More Prison Tycoon notes
Okay, I’ve figured out one or two more mechanisms for this game.
Staff building:
Land use office 1/2/3: When you create the level 1 land office, you get access to an adjacent lot for prison construction. Presumably levels 2 and 3 give you more land.
Clerical office 1/2/3: The level 1 clerical office reduces your maintenance costs by 50%. Since maintenance costs appear to be equal to the original cost of construction for each turn, this is a pretty hefty savings! Level 2 reduces costs by 66%, and level 3 by 75%. Supposedly an existing office is required to build the next level, but due to a programming bug you can delete the offices once they have been built and still keep the maintenance savings.
Small guardroom: This provides you with one guard who will patrol the prison. A guardroom is cheaper than a guard tower, but provides less surveillance (if there is such a thing).
Maintenance room: This provides you with one repair guy.
Visitor’s reception: Although you can build a reception area and even a visitor’s center, I don’t think there is any code in place for this to do anything. I’m sure the original design had some mechanism involving visitors, but the feature got cut.
Staff rooms: Another feature that seems to have been yanked, as none of the staff ever make use of the staff rooms (maintenance always stays at 100%).
Health services building:
Hospital: Each hospital provides you with a medic who will wander around the prison. Injured prisoners will sometimes use one of the beds, but this is rare.
Therapy rooms: Each therapy room provides you with a counselor who will wander around the prison. Prisoners will sometimes visit the therapists if they aren’t busy with other things.
Services building:
Library, classroom, laundry, theater: Prisoners will go there, but serves no clear purpose.
Chapel: Each chapel provides one chaplain who will wander around the prison.
So some of these areas provide units which wander around the prison yard. I think they are supposed to autonomously perform their duties as needed, but I’ve noticed a large disparity when there are, for example, two medics: one of them will be ranked with a number of “jobs”, but the other has done zero.
An amusing thing about these units is that their animated behaviors are rather strange if not deranged. I think they are canned animations used by the developers to test certain features, and were supposed to be replaced before the game’s release.
If you select one of the units, you can click the green “do your job” button.
Handyman: He fixes whatever needs maintenance.
Guard: The guard will approach a prisoner and proceed to clobber them with a nightstick, the prisoner will fall to the ground. The prisoner will then be “happy”, meaning the action has satisfied some character need.
Medic: The medic will approach a prisoner who will fall to the ground (and a medical beep will sound). The medic then hammers at the prisoner’s leg a few times. This somehow heals the prisoner, and they can leave “happy”. (It is far less sexual than this description may sound.)
Counselor: The counselor plays some sort of juvenile trickery, waving his hand and then slapping the prisoner. The counselor then sobs, and slaps the prisoner again. This leaves the prisoner “happy”.
Chaplain: It’s a Catholic prison, and the chaplain blesses the prisoners, making them “happy”.
Prisoner moods:
I found a list of moods in the language.xml data file. The order of moods, from good to bad, are:
There are three special moods:
Ive built dorms etc.. AND added bunks and other minimum (and maximum) requirements. Various ameneties, factories and had a security rating of med.
Now the problem to befuddle peopel…..
My inmates are NOT arriving. Needless to say ive passed more than one day of game time and its rather frustrating.
The prison bus just sits outside with the back doors open all the time from when i first start the scenario or free play.
Gonna try reinstalling but doubt this will fix the bug.
Anyone else had this problem? If so how did you fix it (if at all)?
Help fix my game! when I enter a building to add bunks and stuff. I can’t see any other tool bars or my curser, just some white text. I have updated my driver any the game. if I click where the buttons should be, I can enter the “build mode” but I can’t see the buttons so it takes a long time to find them. has any one this problem, or a fix?
does anyone know if the codes for prison tycoon work for prison tycoon 2. And why does my computer keep kicking me out of the game?
um… i looked at the posts and didnt see it answered. so can someone please tell me how to get prison staff in the prison.
I have the same problem with the build icon not appearing inside any of the rooms. I can still click on the spot that the building icon is meant to be, although i see no cursor or icon. the first time I know that something is working is after I’ve clicked a million times and move my cursor over a room, the bed/tv room/etc appears. I’ve uninstalled the game, reinstalled and yet its happened again. Having spent money on the game, I’m really frustrated that it doesnt work.
Has anyone come across a patch or advice on how to fix this problem
There is a hard-to-find note on the ValuSoft site that suggests most graphic problems are due to “outdated video card drivers”.
Of course this is what every game company says, and it isn’t very helpful. If you are having graphic problems, maybe you have an old video card or a card that doesn’t support some feature that Prison Tycoon needs.
I am having the same problem as some other people here. I build everything correctly, but for some reason no prisoners will arrive. WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!
I am having the same problem as some other people here. I build everything correctly, but for some reason no prisoners will arrive. WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!
Playing PT2: I have no or little problems with people not doing what they are supposed to with the latest patch.
But my place was way to overcrowded and as soon as the medium sec inmates started arriving there where riots all over.
Anyway what I wonder is if you are just supposed to have death-raw convicts mingling with low sec inmates and such or if there is any doable way to seperate the diffrent sec levels from each other?
Preferably still have some staff flowing trough.
my prison tyccon wont work every time i click play it says problem and we need to close. IT IS SO FREAKING GAY
How do I add bunks? E-mail me at if you can help.
hello! anyone playing the scenarios? i keep getting stuck at some of the levels…
why won’t my cleaners pick up trash
WARNING! the update 1.6 has a bug, the game crashes after you save your game.
Stupid game. Played a lot of Tycoon Games.
Idea is great, but it doesn
is it possible to put the prisoners in lockdown?
hey i have a problem…I build everything but everything put prisoners still dont come…i built even fences,guard towers,but they still dont come…Its so gay…
Is anyone else experiencing problems setting up bunks in the dorms on Prison2? When I click the building, all I get is an birds eye view of the dorm.
me too i cant get the stupid prisioners to come their like dumb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyway i did what everyone said like clicking on it and doing the build icon and anyway dong the cheats it doesn’t work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a prisoner who has a star on his picture in his profile picture, could someone please tell me what this means.
er…its in german. anyone know if i can download some sort of patch to change the language.
so i was sitting there watching over the 12 prisoners in the laundy room. there was 1 guard in there watching them. all of a sudden there was a fight between two of the prisoners. the guard went to go break it up and the 12 prisoners ganged up on the guard and threw him in one of the washing machines and killed him. it came up in a little message that a guard had died in a riot. and i got fined 50,000 fo it.
ya that something like that happended to me once. but there was one time where there was a huge riot. i mean there was like 45 prisoners against like 10 guards. this riot took place in my large mess hall. all the prisoners took the guards and beat the crap out of them. then the prisoners took the guards in the back of the mess hall where all the ovens were and threw like 3 of the guards in the ovens. it turned out that like 8 prisoners died and only one of the 10 guards survived. it was cool.
everytime i click on the buildings to attempt to put cells and bunks in them it puts me in like a camera mode and i cannot click on any buttons… am i doing something wrong because i built all of the builds but i cannot figure out how the heck to furnish them HELP ME PLEASE!!!
does this game have a design folt? its like the building menu is invisable when u go inside the buildings to build beds etc or am i missing somthing?
I Have made a dorm added bunks inside and added a tv area and vending machines and all kinds of crap, still the game tells me I have no cells. Any solutions short of reinstalling?
how do i get a game fixes for this i download the trainer but when i down load the fix it gives me a file that opens up in reason (a music program) how do i change the file to what i needs to be
1- how do i tell what version i have.
2- After playing the game for +20 minutes or so it will crash (i did buy the game and d/l from the net if that makes a diffrence). My computer is a Core 2 Duo processor 2.55 Ghz, with 4 GB or ram and a 512mB graphics card so i doubt the problem is related to a slow computer.. could it be that the computer is too powerfull ?? Plz help drop me an email
i am having the same problem, when i click the roof of any building it is only in the camera mode, and i can’t click build to put in beds and stuff. ?????? anyone know of a patch?
i cnat get any inmates i built every thing i can but they still wont come i tried building bunks but i cant any help?????
No matter what I do, I always run out of money. Any idea on how to get more money???
I build the basics required but still run out of money.
There are hardly any prisoners coming into the jail.
I have assigned what little inmates I have to work in the factories but not alot of money comes in.
Also the money cheat above doesnt work. Anyone know where the ’save game’ data is stored to be able to Hex Edit it?
good idea for the game but extremely hard to manage.
Help please!
I have a big problem. I have just downloaded demo version Prison Tycoon when I have only 60 minutes to play. So I don’t know what should I do , becouse I don’t want pay for full version (20$).
Please give me crack or something to make a full version for free.
Find instuctions on changing saved game data here.
does the previous cheats for prison tycoon work? i tried them in free mode and they do not seem to work. any thoughts?
Pls… Pls… how in the hell do u rotate ur view… All i can do is zoom in.. and zoom out. Left. right.. up… and down… i want to be able to view my places from different angles. Pls help. I feel like a moron and cant figure it out.
THE SECRERT FOUND (by the way to change the camera angle hold down ctrl)
The secret to getting to higher security lvls is the amount of guard towers (other things do help, all having to do with security, ie. survillence) Before you do this I would get atleast 750000- a million, all you have to do is put a crazy amount of guard towers, an unneeded. I had had a good amount of towers and I still needed like 15 more so dont be discouraged. This should advance you a security lvl. Once this is done and you have med. security the other security lvls come pretty fast. I had about 1 mil and change when I got to this lvl and bought all the land management offices (if you didnt know this gives you more land) I need alot of money to build new cells for the med. prisoners and new security towers. I had to build all new activities and such. Adding new med. security towers (to your new land) and replacing your old towers with new ones should get you to high security ( I didnt even have to replace the old ones to advance a lvl) but if you are still not there put new armories and med. survillance in your offices. Once your in high security do the same thing. build new cells, new towers,and such. remember that low-high risk prisoners can still room around the whole prison using existing buildings such as the factories and play grounds so you dont have to build different facilities. the only thing different is the cells. again replacing the towers and adding high. survillance and armories should get you to max. security lvl. Do you see why you should have alot of money when doing this, replacing towers and adding higher end cells and new building cost alot of $. once you are at max. security bulid their cells. when you first lvl to medium security it doesnt take very long to get to max. i dont thing you even need to play the game, for me i was just in building mode the whole time. oh and one more thing, when you get a max security prisoner he will walk straight for his cell but roam around the halls. dont worrt about this when night comes he will be in there for the rest of his sentence. And finally i wouldnt woory to much about prisoners escape, no the game makers have not excited us about this feature. The ONLY way a prison can escape is if there is no cell for them. new prisoners will not arrive if there is no cell for them but if you delete a cell for example and dont replace it by the end of the night the prisoner will escape. the lvl of guards doesnt even help with escape, i think thats more leaned to stopping fights. I hope this helps all of you, i know i was very frustrated with this problem before today.
Oh and this one is for Zach, if you have built bunks and all of that i would see if the dormitory you built or any other building is right up against the place the prisoners come in, it is the building right next to the place where the bus pulls in, if it is then is probably is blocking the prisoners
everytime i try to save the damn game crashes i have the update to 1.6 and i uninstalled and reinstalled without the patch and played it and the damn game crashes only a few minutes into playing it.
what the hell is the deal?
its a fun game otherwise, its something to do to blow time, i dont want this to be something i wasted my hard earned money on thats for sure.
for the ? how do i build cells. click on the building and click build.
i’m a kid and this isi’nt an email i don’t give it out… or my name.
How the hell do i build the fence? I have managed to get control of EVERYTHING except how to build the god-damn fence. Any help?
For the ones who cant build a thing inside the building and see just a camera view:
I had this same problem and beleive it or not the game only worked when I updated my video card driver and updated the game.
OK, it seems most people here can’t read a friggin manual.
Prisoners are automatically allocated to cells. If you have unallocated prisoners, this means you don’t have enough cells of the right type, i.e.: Low prisoners need Low cells, Max prisoners need Max cells. You can re-allocate prisoners by single- or double-clicking the prisoner, and then placing him on/in the cell.
A Star on a prisoner profile means this prisoner is a celebrity prisoner.
Fights can easily be broken up by pausing the game, clicking an inmate, and moving him away from the area, preferably FAR away. You need to keep rival gangs apart if your prison is a hole.
It seems ovens in kitchens and toilets in dorms are only used to kill staff and prisoners. You can prevent this by building furniture over the doors, if possible in your build.
ONLY happy prisoners will work. If a prisoner is not happy, get a guard to give him a good working-over with the baton. [sidebar: In my ver/build, the guard is constantly drawing his piece, but he never uses it. WHY, ValuSoft, will a guard prefer to DIE than KILL???]
Other crapmeisterish things:
Prisoners and workers alike walk through closed doors. Only one door in a building may be used. Plates on tables are always full, chow counters are therefore unnecessary.
I don’t think I’ll outlay the required funds for PT2.
Sorry for the double post, but I just figured out the cheat codes above only work when on max speed setting.
ay i bought the game prison tycoon 2 and i keep getting bugs and its frustrating. i neeed help how do i stopp gittn these buggs?
ay i need help. i bought prison tycoon 2 and i instiallded now i keep gittn bugs and the game crashes so much. how do i fix this problem? thanks
I can not get any prisoners in my jail! I have everything the game has to offer. I also have everything that you can put into the buildings but no prisoners! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!!!!!
Will you all stop cussing on here!!! Children might be reading!
I tried the cheats on max speed, but the cheats still don’t work!!!! Oh and is anyone else getting little lines that look like ink on their desktop??!!??!!
Sorry about the triple post, but does not work. It is